Prostate cancer in HIV-positive patients: a review of the literature
WCRJ 2018;
: e1136
DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20189_1136
Topic: HIV and cancer
Category: Review
Objective: Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) has significantly increased the survival of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and reduced the incidence of AIDS-related diseases. The incidence of certain HIV-associated cancers such as Kaposi sarcoma (KS) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) decreased after the widespread introduction of HAART in 1996, but more recent data show that HIV-infection is a risk factor for numerous cancers in PLWHA. Despite the increased prevalence of prostate cancer in general and in the HIV/AIDS population, the exact incidence of this malignancy in HIV-positive men is still unknown, due to the relative poor number of publications on this topic.
Materials and Methods: We considered the studies published about the incidence of prostate cancer in PLWHA by a systematic research on PUBMED (Bethesda MD, USA).
Results: The analyzed studies showed conflicting results, with a reported increase of prostate cancer incidence in PLWHA compared to the general population in some of them, while others reported a decrease.
Conclusions: Further studies are required to clarify the real association between prostate cancer and HIV/AIDS. Increasing the knowledge about this association is necessary to improve the outcomes for this unique population.
Materials and Methods: We considered the studies published about the incidence of prostate cancer in PLWHA by a systematic research on PUBMED (Bethesda MD, USA).
Results: The analyzed studies showed conflicting results, with a reported increase of prostate cancer incidence in PLWHA compared to the general population in some of them, while others reported a decrease.
Conclusions: Further studies are required to clarify the real association between prostate cancer and HIV/AIDS. Increasing the knowledge about this association is necessary to improve the outcomes for this unique population.
To cite this article
Prostate cancer in HIV-positive patients: a review of the literature
WCRJ 2018;
: e1136
DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20189_1136
Publication History
Submission date: 17 Aug 2018
Revised on: 20 Aug 2018
Accepted on: 23 Aug 2018
Published online: 20 Sep 2018
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